Political Science, as a discipline, is undergoing a dramatic transformation around the world and India is not an exception. This discipline, for many decades, has been facing the challenge of analysing the problems both at local and global levels, and finding out their effective solutions for the betterment of society.
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Political Science, as a discipline, is undergoing a dramatic transformation around the world and India is not an exception. This discipline, for many decades, has been facing the challenge of analysing the problems both at local and global levels, and finding out their effective solutions for the betterment of society. Starting from interpreting a small number of sparse data sets to evaluating increasing quantities of diverse, highly complex data, this discipline has proved its utility time and again. There are quality and accreditation issues at individual and collaborative and interdisciplinary level which include scholarly publications, citations, indexes, etc. To facilitate the important developments, universities, funding agencies and governments should support and encourage the research activities which are taking place in the sphere of Political Science.
This book is a compilation of edited articles presented in the international conference organised by the Department of Political Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad. It highlights the need for restructuring Political Science in the era of globalisation, and makes an attempt to bring together the developments—academic and institutional—to help encourage qualitative research in Political Science. The book is an attempt to guide the younger generation regarding the growth of this discipline.
The book primarily deals with four areas—Globalisation and Human Rights, Globalisation and Development, Globalisation and Public Administration and Globalisation and Terrorism. The book includes articles, written by budding political scientists and also by the senior scholars, which present a wide variety of research findings. These articles also present a crystal clear picture of the systematic growth of this discipline. I am sure this book will be a useful guide for many younger scholars working in this area of study.
Harish Ramaswamy, Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka.
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