While there is a renewed engagement with the discourse of development in our present-day world both in their critical as well as valorized manifestations, very rarely have some of the fundamental challenges as well as pathways of renewal been explored.
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While there is a renewed engagement with the discourse of development in our present-day world both in their critical as well as valorized manifestations, very rarely have some of the fundamental challenges as well as pathways of renewal been explored. This book addresses these gaps in our knowledge and research by bringing together essays on topics such as self-development, co-learning, co-responsibility, aesthetic ethics, creativity, conviviality, human security, peace and social quality etc. together. New Horizons of Human Development is not only a pioneering but also a monumental effort in our field of thinking, practice and collaborative imagination which raises some of these vital and deeper questions of human development and then overflows to an epochal and epic quest for rethinking and regenerating life, culture, society, polity and our fragile humanity. This book will be an enriching co-traveler for all friends from a wide range of paths of exploration in the academy–sociology, anthropology, philosophy, literature, development studies, cultural studies and religious studies–as well as across it—activists, citizens and seeking souls of the world.
Ananta Kumar Giri is on the faculty of the Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, India.
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