Right since independence, India has been striving very hard to achieve remarkable economic growth. A considerable percentage of Indian population was living in miserable conditions at that time. India as a whole was lacking in several arenas such as infrastructure, food, income, investments, raw material, industries, etc.
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Right since independence, India has been striving very hard to achieve remarkable economic growth. A considerable percentage of Indian population was living in miserable conditions at that time. India as a whole was lacking in several arenas such as infrastructure, food, income, investments, raw material, industries, etc. However, India has made notable progress in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors after independence. The production of agriculture undoubtedly has increased alongside the growth rates of secondary and tertiary sectors, yet not up to the expected levels. The contribution of agriculture sector in GDP is continuously declining whereas the contribution of secondary sector and tertiary sectors is going up. India is lagging behind in various indices compared to different countries even in our own region like Sri Lanka and China.
The book consists of systematic and wide discussions on the role and participatory share of different sectors in the Indian Economy. This book is efforts of worthy authors during the Covid-19 Pandemic which consists of chapters based on the research works of some of noted economists and profound researchers working in Universities and Colleges of the Northern India. The whole book is divided into the four parts and chapters include all the sectors of the economy i.e. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. The practical topics have been given the top most priority while deciding the publication. Chapters consist of the material for academicians, teachers, professors, researchers and other awakened people. Overall, this book is a combined efforts of all the material support of worthy motivated authors, friendly & fellow academicians, researchers and many others scholars. This will serve the academic needs of the universities and college professionals.
Dr. Pardeep Kumar, Dean and Professor, Department of Economics, NIILM University, Kaithal (Haryana)-India.
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Head, Department of Economics, Govt. College, Dhaliara, Dist. Kangra (HP)-India.
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