Borders, nowadays, have become manifestation of national identity. However, states in the region are exhibiting remarkable degree of cooperative spirit to build bridges of friendship across their borders.
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Borders, nowadays, have become manifestation of national identity. However, states in the region are exhibiting remarkable degree of cooperative spirit to build bridges of friendship across their borders. Sovereign barriers over borders are softened in favour of mutual cooperation in security, trade, energy, infrastructure, tourism and the like.
South Asian states are displaying considerable restraint in managing their border disputes. Recent border-related incidents speak volumes about their tendency to prevent disputes reaching alarming levels. Border disagreements are confined to the realm of diplomacy, flag meets and adjudicatory process. States in the region today are reluctant to employ forceful methods of settling or changing borders.
Parallel to the above state-led positive initiatives, non-state actors are much more active across South Asian borders to disturb their legitimacy and stability. Unlawful elements—smugglers, narco-terrorists, insurgents, poachers and pirates—and their organised illegal operations across borders are turning sovereign borders into symbolic outposts. Their cross-border intrusions render state controls meek and even unworkable. South Asian borders simply are becoming ‘unmanageable’.
This volume focuses on the issues related to borders, which are still seemed to be the manifestation of national identity in South Asia.
Dr. Adluri Subramanyam Raju, Professor and Head, UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation (UMISARC) & Centre for South Asian Studies; and Founder Coordinator, UGC Centre for Maritime Studies, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
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