The transformation of libraries is mainly due to computer and communication technology, library automation, networking of libraries and information resources, Bar code, RFID and Smart card technology, web and Internet technology, social networking (Blogs, facebook, Twitter, Skype, Wikipedia) etc.
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The transformation of libraries is mainly due to computer and communication technology, library automation, networking of libraries and information resources, Bar code, RFID and Smart card technology, web and Internet technology, social networking (Blogs, facebook, Twitter, Skype, Wikipedia) etc.
To manage with the changes library and Information professionals have to transform themselves and their activities using ICT, learning skills to maintain digital library, develop knowledge of hardware and software to provide traditional as well as digital, electronic and virtual services to users, using digital resources to keep users update of global changes.
Considering transformation of libraries, information resources and functions of library staff it was thought that the present area ‘Transforming Libraries in 2023 : NEP 2020 and Changing Paradigms in LIS’ considered for international conference would find solutions to issues and problems faced by libraries and library staff.
The book is divided in five sections viz. National Education Policy 2020 and LIS; Metric studies in LIS; Re-engineering library services; Capacity Building for LIS Professionals, Digital innovation.
Many libraries are now subscribing e-resources to meet information needs of user community. Therefore, there is urgent need to understand the facilities like mobile technology, cloud computing etc. It is hoped that the present book will be useful to LIS professionals, teachers in LIS, research students, MLISC students as well as students appearing for SET/NET examinations.
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