The 21st century is rightly known as smart era to make each and everyone within global reach. The libraries are also opting for smart technologies to satisfy their customers through specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound services.
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The 21st century is rightly known as smart era to make each and everyone within global reach. The libraries are also opting for smart technologies to satisfy their customers through specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound services. Technology has completely changed the face of library from manual to Artificial intelligence oriented. The libraries are non-profit organizations. The LIS professionals are devoted to provide right information, to the right user, at the right time, with the least cost by making use of internet and web technology. The information explosion and development of digital technology is forcing the libraries to serve their users with networking and resource sharing.
‘Dimensions of Librarianship in Digital Era’ is a Festschrift volume in the honour of Dr. Dharmaraj Veer. The papers included are the results of personal experiences, research, case studies. The research papers in the festschrift volume have been grouped under two parts viz. Part A – Scientometric portrait of Dr. D. K. Veer, and Part B – Paradigms for Library & Information Scientist. The Part B is further divided under the sections : Role of INFLIBNET in Libray Development, Research Innovation and Reading Culture, Collection Development Policy, Public Library, Role of Library Associations, Case Studies & Best Practices in Libraries.
Present book will be useful to LIS professionals, teachers in LIS, research students, MLISC students as well as students appearing for SET/NET examinations. We are confident that bringing out a Festschrift is going to be a befitting testimony to the person who is a role model to the budding LIS professionals.
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