Modern times are known for unprecedented growth and development in all walks of life. At the same time, a lot of hazardous waste is being generated in the process. Biomedical waste, also known as healthcare waste, is highly infectious in nature and needs to be managed in scientific ways to prevent the spread of diseases, injuries and environmental problems.
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Modern times are known for unprecedented growth and development in all walks of life. At the same time, a lot of hazardous waste is being generated in the process. Biomedical waste, also known as healthcare waste, is highly infectious in nature and needs to be managed in scientific ways to prevent the spread of diseases, injuries and environmental problems. Such wastes comprise pathological and surgical items, experimental animals and cadavers, chemical residues with their containers and discarded bandages, linens together with other infectious medical waste generated during diagnosis, treatment and immunization of humans or animals.
The Indian government made a significant advancement by enacting biomedical waste (Management and Handling) rules of 1998 in pursuant to sections 6 and 25 of the Environmental Protection Act, 1986. Thereafter, new BMW Management Rules were notified in 2016, amended subsequently in the year 2018 and 2019. In addition, various guidelines were issued by the CPCB for the stakeholders from time to time in order to ensure necessary compliances.
This book presents a highly valuable compilation of all the Rules and guidelines in this area. This book acts as a ready reckoner for policy makers, regulators, hospitals, clinics, labs, common biomedical waste treatment facilities, educational and research institutions across India.
Hope the readers and all the stakeholders will stand benefitted.
Sunil Aggarwal is an eminent environmentalist with more than twenty-five years of experience in the field of waste management. Due to his deep understanding and expertise in the area, he was nominated as an expert member in DEAC by MOEF&CC, Government of India, a Chartered Engineer by PCB and an executive member of All India core committee by CBWTF association of India. He has been working with Resustainability Ltd., erstwhile Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd for last more than 17 years and currently heading its business in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigrah region.
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