Stress is the greatest killer of modern times. Almost everyone is affected by it. Some degree of stress is normal, natural and inevitable in personal, family and work life. However, the quantum of stress has a direct impact on happiness in life and excellence in professional field. Being aware and careful about it can save a person from a number of problems and help to make him happy and contended. There are evidences of happier life among people who have an understanding of stress and its possible remedies to keep it at bay.
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Stress is the greatest killer of modern times. Almost everyone is affected by it. Some degree of stress is normal, natural and inevitable in personal, family and work life. However, the quantum of stress has a direct impact on happiness in life and excellence in professional field. Being aware and careful about it can save a person from a number of problems and help to make him happy and contended. There are evidences of happier life among people who have an understanding of stress and its possible remedies to keep it at bay. The book “Stress Management” gives an insight into the nature, types and causes of stress and discusses its possible cures and remedies. The sources of stress such as paucity of money or time, age factor, anger, poor communication, burden of studies and making of career have been critically analyzed. It has a complete set of solutions for all categories of stressed people of different age groups and backgrounds. The book is a complete treatise on stress and no aspect of it has been left unattended to. It will surely make the readers stress free and thus enable them to lead a happy and healthy life.
The book opens the new vistas of knowledge about stress and its causes while treading over the uneven roads of life and it enlists numerous ways to overcome it. It is the most comprehensive book on the subject and the authors deserve praise for it. Its simple style and diction make its reading enjoyable.
Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar (Haryana)
The book is a scholarly work based on research and day to day experiences in the field of various types of stress ailing man of the modern age. It studies the causative factors, their affects and gives easy, simple and practical ways to deal with them. The readers of the book will surely stand to benefit.
Prof S. Satyanaran, Vice Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Hyderabad
This is an interesting and serious work on the subject of stress management which has assumed crucial significance in the contemporary world. It looks at the problem of stress in a holistic manner and offers a comprehensive picture about it. The suggestions put forward by the authors to manage stress are also really noteworthy. I have no doubt that this book will be an important addition to the existing literature on stress management.
Prof. J. Prabhash, Professor and Head, Department of Political Science and Former Pro-Vice chancellor, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram
Dr. Alok Chakrawal, Professor of Commerce and Business Administration, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat.
Dr. Pratibha Goyal, Professor, School of Business Studies, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab.
Part A: Introduction
1. Stress
Part B: Stress in Life
2. Age and Stress
3. Stress at Home
4. Stress among Students
5. Stress at Work
6. Money and Stress
7. Communication and Stress
8. Stress among Urban-Rural People
Part C: Stress — Models and Measurement
9. Models of Stress
10. Scaling of Stress
Part D: Managing Stress
11. Time Management
12. Anger Management
13. Keep Stress at Bay
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